Monday, August 30, 2010

Both Writing and Teaching- Paul Moses

Although Paul Moses loves teaching, he said that if he had only worked in academia he would have missed much of the world experience and public immersion that 23 years in journalism provided him.

I met Paul Moses when I presented a paper at the 2010 Brooklyn College Graduate English Conference, "Deconstructing the Gods: Towards a Post-Religious Criticism."  Serving as respondent for my panel, Moses commented on my research as being applicable for journalists.  I soon contacted him for career guidance, finding him to be another writer who entertained both the idea of academia and of journalism.

Moses began writing for a local paper simply to make some money while studying for his Masters of Fine Arts at the University of Massachusetts.  But he soon loved the job enough to make journalism his career of choice.

As a journalist, Moses worked both as a reporter and editor, specializing in religion and New York City government and working for presses such as Newsday's New York City paper and The Associated Press.  He is now a professor at Brooklyn College and the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism.

Along with teaching, Moses still continues his writing.  He published his first book, The Saint and the Sultan: the Crusades, Islam and Francis of Assisi's Mission of Peace, in 2009 and is currently working on a second book.

Moses advised that a love of people, a desire to constantly discover and learn, and a passion for writing are key to enjoying and excelling in journalism.

His advice to me was three-fold.  First, start writing both by blogging and freelancing.  This could provide both clips and a chance to try out journalism.  Second, as a current NYU student, take advantage of opportunities to attend NYU journalism events open to those outside the department.  Third, highly consider a graduate degree in journalism.

Moses said a graduate journalism degree is often the best way to fast track a career.  Though he does not always advise a graduate program for students who have both an undergraduate journalism degree and a wealth of experience, craft, and connections, Moses highly advises a graduate program for those without a journalism background.

Moses noted that in the New York area alone, Columbia, CUNY, and NYU all have highly regarded graduate programs.  He stated that these programs provide practical skills, connections, and much experience in a short amount of time.

For Moses, both writing and teaching found a place in his professional life.  He admitted that in some ways, nothing beats the lifestyle of a professor who truly loves academia.  However, he said the lifestyle and public connection of journalism also have great benefits which strengthened both his writing and his teaching.  Either career has advantages and difficulties but Moses wouldn't personally trade his years of full time journalism.  And for the beginning journalist, Moses said the solid practices and connections formed through a graduate journalism program provide an invaluable foundation for navigating the current job market and industry transformations.

Friday, August 20, 2010

From Journalism to Ministry - Drebes

David Drebes, 27, turned from a successful start in journalism to full time ministry.  Drebes was editor for Roanoke College's The Brackety-Ack when I was a sophomore reporter in 2003.  By the end of his junior year of college, he had connections, experience, and an internship at The Washington Times listed on his resume.  But instead of launching a career in journalism, Drebes enrolled in Princeton Theological Seminary.

As a trusted friend and my last official editor, I asked Drebes for some candid advice from one who decided against journalism.

"If you like meeting people and digging into the community around you then you'll enjoy it," Drebes stated.

"I liked doing the whole thing," he said, noting that he enjoyed both reporting and editing.  However, Drebes admitted struggling with the financial tasks of being editor of The Brackety-Ack.  "I basically bankrupted the paper," he laughed, stating that he focused on content to the point of running long issues without adequate balance of funding concerns.

Despite his love of the job, ethical issues concerned Drebes.  "I became disillusioned always writing about people who were hurting but not doing anything about it," he reflected.

Drebes warned that daily ethical decisions are difficult to navigate, even noting that his strengths in interviewing also presented struggles.  "It seemed that my softspokeness led people to trust me implicitly so they'd talk too much," Drebes said, noting that sometimes interviewees later got upset at the information he reported.

With this in mind, Drebes advised that everyone take a course in journalism ethics whether or not they get a journalism degree.  But above and beyond this, Drebes also advised finding "an alternative moral advisor" outside the field of journalism to help balance perspectives.

Drebes did not suggest getting a graduate degree in journalism.  He recalled being told to seek a different subject matter in graduate school for depth of knowledge in a particular area rather than general journalistic craft.  More than school or internships, Drebes said what always mattered was writing samples.

"You don't need to wait for permission," he said.  "The trick is to just start."

Drebes acknowledged that journalism is "an industry that's in a lot of trouble right now."  But beyond the commentary of bloggers, "there will always be a need for someone to do the reporting and produce the information," he said.  Thus, Drebes thinks a journalism career today could entail both times of innovation and times of simply "treading water" while the industry restructures but never disappears.

And though on the job market for a ministry position after getting degrees from Princeton Theological Seminary and Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia, Drebes does not rule out reporting or editing to some extent in the future.  He now occasionally writes for Lutheran publications.

Despite the ethical and practical struggles of journalism, Drebes respects the field. "For good journalism, your job is to tell the truth," he said, "That's really cool and a positive thing."

Monday, August 9, 2010

Apologies for the Delays

I apologize for the recent delays in blog posts.  Due to a family medical emergency and resulting death in the family, I have been out of town and otherwise occupied.  Blog posts will resume within the week.  Thank you for your patience.